Wie du deinen Plastikverbrauch im Alltag reduzieren kannst

How you can reduce your plastic consumption in everyday life

Posted by Shopify Member on

Hailed as a wonderful invention decades ago, plastic has now become a real burden and a global problem; especially for our environment and the seas. Microplastics can even be found in arctic ice and in our food chain. According to calculations by scientists, a total of around 8.3 billion tons of plastic have been produced so far. Despite – or paradoxically because of – its long shelf life, it eventually becomes garbage. And we cause this to a large extent ourselves. But there are alternatives - in everyday life and for each of us! Here are some recommendations for your next purchase and your decisions...

Shopping without regrets

Whether basket, box or cloth bag - in any case you can do without plastic bags from the supermarket. This also applies to the purchase of fruit and vegetables - there are reusable alternatives in numerous markets. Or you just put the fruit in your basket, after all, most of them are naturally protected by their skin. This is somewhat more difficult - for hygienic (regulation) reasons - with sausage and cheese. But here, too, compromises can often be found. Dairy products like yoghurt are also usually available in jars instead of plastic. And in general, larger units can usually be bought instead of many smaller ones, which in turn saves packaging. This is especially true for drinks. Especially since the drinking water quality in Germany is very good. Or you can alternatively use a practical bubbler. Above all, it is advisable to cook with as many regional products as possible instead of relying on ready-made meals. And in principle there are more and more supermarkets where you can shop with reduced packaging or without packaging.

Consciously “dare” less plastic

Even with smaller decisions you can achieve greater success in terms of less plastic. It is important to be clear at all times whether a plastic product is actually needed, whether something needs to be packaged or whether there are alternatives. For example, you can take your own containers for a coffee-to-go, do without plastic dishes, enjoy ice cream cones and, above all, become active yourself: from separating waste to supporting appropriate alternatives, from making a conscious decision in favor of natural cosmetics through to specific inquiries about plastic-free packaging from manufacturers, suppliers and retailers. And there are also plenty of tips and tricks on the Internet about measures and alternatives to plastic or microplastics. Especially since this can often save costs and effort.

Conclusion : We are all always (jointly) responsible with our behavior and our demand when it comes to avoiding plastic. So that our earth may one day become a little tidier, healthier and more natural. In any case, we at Le papier are consciously involved!

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